
Get up and running with cbfs in no time!

Use CommandBox CLI to install:

install cbfs

To install the bleeding-edge version:

install cbfs@be


You can configure the module by adding a cbfs structure to the moduleSettings in your config/Coldbox.cfc file or you can create your own config/modules/cbfs.cfc configuration file if you are using ColdBox 7. Below you can see the default configuration for cbfs.

function configure(){
    return {
    	// The default disk with a reserved name of 'default'
	"defaultDisk" : "default",
	// Register the disks on the system
	"disks"       : {
		// Your default application storage : non-web accessible
		"default" : {
			provider   : "Local",
			properties : {
				path : getSystemSetting( "CBFS_DEFAULT_DISK_PATH", "#controller.getAppRootPath()#.cbfs" )
		// A public web-accessible storage located at /includes/public
		"public" : {
			provider   : "Local",
			properties : {
				path : getSystemSetting(
				diskUrl : function(){
					return variables.controller
						.getHtmlBaseUrl() & "includes/public"
		// A disk that points to the CFML Engine's temp directory
		"temp" : {
			provider   : "Local",
			properties : { path : getSystemSetting( "CBFS_TEMP_DISK_PATH", getTempDirectory() ) }

Pre-Configured Disks

By default, cbfs, comes pre-configured with 3 disks:

Disk NameProviderLocationDescription




A private location for assets




A public accessible location inside of your application



{CF internal}

The Java temp internal directory

Environment Variables

Please note that you can change the location of these disks by adding the configuration or you can easily do so using the following environment variables:




Default Disk

You can use the defaultDisk key to specify which disk will be the default in your system. By default it's the default one 😂 which is not web-accessible and stored as .cbfs in your root application.

Registering Disks

The disks structure is used to register disks in your application. The key is the name of the disk which is a structure that each disk needs in order to be configured:

  • provider : The name of the provider (if core) or a full CFC path or WireBox ID

  • properties : A structure of configuration properties the disk requires (if any)

Please check out the providers section in order to see the properties and requirements for each one of them.

Last updated